- The Auctions are open to full ClearStar Members only.
- To bid on items or place items up for bid you must register
first. You can register when you
enter the Auction site by clicking on the "New Registration"
link. When you register a password will be sent to your email address
so be sure to enter your email address correctly.
- The auction password is different than your ClearStar Membership
password. You should record your auction alias and auction password in a
safe place. After you register you can change your password to something
easier by clicking the
"Update Your Info." link on the Auctions page.
- Sellers
MAY NOT bid on their own items. Anyone found doing this will
forfeit the privilege of participating in the ClearStar auctions.
- There is NO fee for registering or putting items up for bid. The
use of the auctions is a value-added benefit
of ClearStar membership.
- In order to keep the Auctions running and to benefit the
various ClearStar Funds there IS a fee to
the seller for listed items that actually sell. If an item does not sell, there
is no fee and the item may be listed again. The fee
for actually selling an item is 5% of the final selling price.
The 5% fee may be paid either by mailing a check to the address in the
next paragraph or by using the
ClearStar Secure Payments Processing Page. Credit Card information
is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer standards.
ClearStar Security Network Auction Payments 4454 Lopez Avenue Port Townsend, WA 98368
- When an item is listed an automated email notification will be sent to the
seller as a reminder of the fee when the item is sold. If the item
sells another automated email notice is sent out giving the winning bid
amount and the details on contacting the winner. In the email is also a
reminder of the 5% fee with directions on how to remit payment.
If a 3rd manual email reminder about the 5% fee from Jay
becomes necessary then your auction account and ClearStar Membership may
be at risk. At the very least you will no longer be permitted to place
items for sale in the ClearStar On-line Auctions..
- The 5% fee will be used in a variety of ways determined at the
discretion of ClearStar management. The uses include the various special ClearStar
Funds and the operating expenses of ClearStar.
- If any difficulty arises in either the winner receiving the
auction item or the seller receiving payment - contact Jay IMMEDIATELY.
Posting on the forums about it is in poor taste since often there is
just a simple communications problem with which Jay can facilitate in
clarification and resolution.
- Thank you for using the Auctions. Hopefully this will continue to be
another valuable asset for ClearStar Members - and remain
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